Snowkiting is the fastest growing winter sport, and with good reason, it is so much fun!
Have you ever dreamed of cruising up a hill, instead of down it? Ever wanted to ride all day long never stopping to ride a chairlift? Have you looked across flat powder fields and thought to yourself, “what a waste of snow”? Snowkiting answers all of these questions and even opens up more opportunities to explore. All you need is a good breeze of wind and an Ozone Power Kite and you’ll be ready. If the wind is blowing between 5-45 mph, all you need to do is pick the appropriate size kite and the fun will begin. Many people start on a 2-3 meter size kite, learning to fly and steer the kite on light wind days. When the wind picks up, these sizes of kites will be enough to pull you on a snowboard or skis. As the wind gets stronger the kite will pull you with more force, going faster across flat ground, and building enough power to ski up-hill. If the wind is not strong enough, you will need to fly a larger sized kite to generate the power and speed you are looking for to ride up-hill. Most people can learn to Snowkite within one day, with many learning to go upwind as well as downwind directions. After a few days of practicing your kite-flying skills, you will be ready to ride up hill using the kite to pull you.
Snowkites have been used by mountaineers on arctic expeditions for years. They use the kites to easily pull the rider and gear sleds across miles of frozen tundra. Distances of 20 miles have been covered in less than an hour’s time with Ozone Snowkites. More importantly, Snowkites up open up riding potential right in our backyards. With as little as 6 inches of snow, a soccer field can turn into a freestyle snowpark, ready to be ridden with the aid of a Snowkite. What do I need to get started?
First you will need a Powerkite, something between a 2-5 meter size should be good. Next, take any snowboard or skiis that you have or can find. Of course twin-tips work better, but start from where you are at, because anything will work.
The last piece of equipment is a windsurf or kitesurf style harness, used for hooking into the kites power and resting your arms. Ski’s or snowboard?
Choose whichever equipment you are more comfortable on. Skis offer the advantage of being able to walk around, letting you walk back to launch your kite. Snowboards can offer simplicity for someone who has never been on the snow before, or is crossing over from kitesurfing. Where do I go?
Any snow covered area will work. Make sure there are no hidden obstacles below the surface! Grassy parks are nice, but any farmfield or frozen lake will work. The ultimate areas are mountain ridge tops, which are above tree line, providing open riding terrain and consistent winds. Is it easy to learn?
Yes, Snowkiting is the easiest form of Powerkiting to master. Most students can grasp all of the skills easily, since the snow allows one to ride with smaller more easily controlled kites. How long can I ride for?
For as long as the wind blows! Riders have been out non-stop for hours, coming in only to rest and replenish. The beauty of Snowkiting is being in control, going where you want to head, and exploring the world from a new point of view. Are there many people snowkiting?
There are people snowkiting in nearly every snow covered country around the world. There is a World Championship competition that links the US with the European riders and showcases the leading Freestyle developments.